Research Highlights
UFF researchers develop cutting-edge projects and products in partnership with other universities around the globe. Here is a small showcase sample:
Urbanism and Inequalities
Fernanda Sánchez participates in the research project “Porto Maravilha – subjects, narratives and place disputes in the big urban project: between the whitewashing and the reinvention”, that aims to test the hypothesis of a “territorial whitewashing”, associated with the urban renewal process, promoted in the context of the preparation of Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area to the big events.
See in the video the processes that articulate, transversally, inequalities, race, territory, and space productions, through the big urban operations, in cities like Rio de Janeiro, Chicago, Montreal, and Barcelona.
Basic Research on Medical Chemistry
Fernando da Silva teaches at the Organic Chemistry department and works on the manufacturing of small weight molecules like carbohydrates, heterocycles, diazo compounds, triazoles, and quinones.
Watch the video and discover the importance of basic research in the search for new candidates for drugs for several diseases like cancer, antivirals, antibacterial, and neglected diseases.
Artificial Intelligence and Psychiatry
Letícia de Oliveira is a professor at Universidade Federal Fluminense and studies the interaction, emotion, and attention in the human brain. She works on the interface between basic and clinical sciences, especially in the study of humor and anxiety disorders with neuroimage.
In this video, the professor will talk about your research of artificial intelligence applied to psychiatric care.
Nutrition to chronic kidney disease patients
Denise Mafra teaches at the Faculty of Nutrition and develops nutritional plans and new dietary therapies for patients with chronic kidney disease, for those who are in ambulatory dialysis or in dialysis clinics.
See in the video the recent results achieved by her research group in the improvement of patients with kidney disease treatment.
Optimization of magnetic materials
Mario Reis is a professor at UFF Physics Institute and researches the optimization and comprehension of the quantic materials and their applications in emerging technologies, like magnetic fridges or alternative processes of power generation.
See in the video how magnetic refrigeration brings the benefits of power-saving to the final consumer.
Optimization of delivery routes
Eduardo Uchôa develops algorithms that optimize vehicle routing, i.e. the calculation that generates more deliveries, in less time and consuming fewer resources.
Follow the video to understand how the teacher’s project tries to solve the problems related to transport and vehicle routing.
Electronic Materials and Magnetic Devices
Fábio Aarão Reis develops models for surface physical and chemical processes to relate the growth dynamics of thin films and other nano-structures to their morphological properties, to determine the effects of porous media architecture on fluid transport, and to describe the water-rock interaction.
See how the professor’s work can predict better production conditions for materials for electronic or magnetic devices, from a technological standpoint, and from an environmental standpoint, helps predict water and contaminant infiltration rates into rocks or soil.
Strategic Applications in the Cloud
Cristina Boeres researches solutions to the problem of minimizing cloud application execution times and their financial costs, as well as issues related to the environment and applications of dynamic application scaling, fault tolerance, efficient methods of resource sharing between applications.
The following video demonstrates how this research attempts to overcome barriers to cloud usage, such as efficient allocation of virtual resources considering performance and the financial costs addressed.
Ocean currents and climate changes
Ana Albuquerque studies the behavior of ocean currents and their effects on the climate changes in the last 780 thousand years.
Know more about the paleoclimatology in the video and the importance of the study of the past to be able to predict the climates’ future.
Virtual reality
The area of games and virtual reality has had a major impact on how to transmit knowledge, education, and social involvement. Several schools and institutions are using these technologies for more modern and elaborate education. Artificial intelligence has a huge impact on the life and business model of the entire 21st-century population.
Follow the video and see how Professor Esteban Clua and his Media Lab team works in the area of games, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence and develop various projects with companies in this sector.
Cultural Literary Circulation
José Luís Jobim Fonseca is a professor at the Institute of Letters of the Fluminense Federal University and researches about the elements that constitute literature and its circulation in society, besides the reasons why the elements are imported and inserted in certain social contexts.
See in the video the professor’s and his colleagues’ contributions to understanding the relevance of literature in the social environment.
Magnetic Molecular Material Applications
Prof. Maria Vaz explains the properties of new molecular materials, which are formed of blocks of molecules strategically chosen and arranged to have physico-chemical properties that can be explored in various applications.
Multilingualism for social inclusion
Acting in the field of History, politics, and linguistic contact, Prof. Monica Savedra presents her work on immigration contact, plurilingualism and linguistic multi-centricism.
See in the video how these policies and discussions impact society.
Oral History and Image
Ana Maria Mauad, full professor of the Department of History and researcher at the Oral History and Image Laboratory (LABHOI), addresses the theme of the “new migration” resulting from contemporary processes of globalization, and its relationship to neoliberal policies, which, together with the transnationalization of capitalism, promote the elimination of rights and the precariousness of work.
The video demonstrates the impact of the research on contemporary society due to the importance of studies on migration and inequalities in advanced capitalism.
Molecular modeling and computer simulation
Luciano Costa is a chemist who studies the structural and electronic properties of molecules and other systems, seeking to reduce air pollution, energy efficiency, and alternative energies.
See in the video how this research leads to cost reduction and the production of environmentally friendly materials.
Nanoscopic Systems
Pedro Venezuela is part of the Nanoscale Systems Theory group, which uses concepts from physics to understand the properties of systems with dimensions of the order of nanometers.
See how his research tries to better understand the properties of new materials that could be used in the future in innovative technologies.