In the last Brazilian elections, social media played a decisive role when people voted for the candidates of their choice. Election campaigns were leveraged over the internet, through social networks, and instant messaging applications. This phenomenon, related to the...
The UFF community has reasons to celebrate: this Tuesday was released the university ranking of Times Higher Education (THE) and the UFF rose 12 positions amongst the best Latin-American institutions. The year before, the university was in 45th place and, this year,...
Education and sports fields, although distinct, can relate in different ways. One of the ways for UFF to promote this link is through the Bolsa Atleta program, which offers a BRL400 scholarship for each selected student. The initiative, created in 2012, encourages...
Many and undeniable are the differences between men and women, from anatomical to behavioral. But one difference, in particular, draws attention at a time when the feminist movement in Brazil and the world is strengthening and, with it, the achievement of rights...
The Universidade Federal Fluminense inaugurated last Friday, May 31, a new center of excellence of the institution: the Centro de Ciência Social Histórica sobre Desigualdades Globais (Center for historical social science on global inequalities). The space will bring...