Since mid-2020, the rich biome of the Pantanal has been dying with fires of historic proportions. The monthly number of fire outbreaks is the highest since 1998 when the National Institute for Space Research initiated these records. The institution’s data show...
The principle of equality, guaranteed by the Brazilian constitution, provides for all citizens the right to equal treatment under the law, prohibiting arbitrary differences. Race, gender, religious creed, political orientation, none of these parameters should...
What image comes to your mind when you think of math? A blackboard covered with chalk formulas? Numbers printed on the packaging? A calculator? And when do you think about teaching mathematics? A man with a mustache behind a book, in a classroom? A Hollywood film with...
The social withdrawal that the population has been experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to profoundly modifying family routines, has made daily living among its members much more intense. For many people, this has been an opportunity to strengthen...
According to the latest report by the World Health Organization, Brazil is now the second country in the world ranking with the highest number of new cases and deaths from COVID-19, behind only the United States. And of the more than sixty thousand deaths recorded to...