Considering the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic and its health, social and economic implications, it has become essential to produce research to understand the impact of the strategies adopted and to minimize the spread of the infection. In order to collaborate...
There are many scientific projections from research centers referenced around the world on the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil in the coming months. In none of them, however, is there a deep analysis of the reality of the favelas, which is radically...
Dear partners, We would like to inform you that, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the start of our semester has been suspended indefinitely, until the Sanitary Authority authorizes the resumption of regular activities. Therefore, our academic calendar will be adjusted...
Right now, we are experiencing a race to develop the COVID-19 cure in Brazil and worldwide. In the midst of this critical scenario for society, science has been a key factor in facing it. The validation of knowledge is essential to create effective solutions in the...
Art and culture could not be left out of the multiple actions coordinated by UFF to go through this quarantine period with society. Therefore, in order to offer quality content and bring the community closer to its production, the Arts Center of Universidade Federal...