Graduate Mobility
Mobility Programs
The applications for the Incoming Mobility of Graduate Students is explained at this link and is made exclusively online. The graduate student enrolled in a foreign university that is interested in applying for international mobility at UFF, must get in contact with their home university to know the internal procedures for Mobility. Once that information is obtained, it is important to confirm if UFF has a compatible course with their academic interests.
UFF receives graduate students (Masters and Doctorate) for the minimal period of 3 months, and the maximum period of 12 months for Masters and 24 months for Doctorate.

Amine Boutaleb
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (Morocco)
During my 6 months internship at UFF, I had the chance to work with INNOMAKER, a start-up that operates in areas related to industry 4.0 such as automation, artificial intelligence and data science, to develop technological and sustainable solutions. I worked on a solar-powered autonomous maritime vehicle. This experience is crucial in my development as an engineer and the direct interaction with all students and supervisors was very important in improving my active listening skills.
Applied Social Sciences
Administrative Justice
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9654
Architecture and Urbanism
Program description
PPGAU is designed to qualify lecturers, researchers, and professional architects and urbanists and professionals from different backgrounds, through a set of courses offered in an interdisciplinary way, having as a result a solid improvement basis. Because of the increasing interest and participation of architects and urbanists in the administration of different instances, there is a strong effort in the investigation of different current managements, as well as when it comes to reflecting on the processes and social agents, in their link with the production of the constructed environment. It also offers preparation for teaching, with internships performed under the pedagogical supervision of educators.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Project, Planning, and Management of Architecture and the City;
- Culture and History of Architecture, of the City, and of Urbanism;
- Constructed Space, Sustainability, and Environment
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-5490
Business Management
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9867
Program description
The Graduate Program in Communication of the Universidade Federal Fluminense – PPGCOM/UFF offers education in both Master’s and Doctorate levels. The Master’s degree program in Communication was created in 1997 and began its activities in September of the same year. Having a board of lecturers made entirely by doctors, the Master’s program in Communication, thanks to its excellency, enables students to be quickly inserted in the academic market and to perform better in their profession in general. The Doctorate Program was recommended by CAPES in December 2002, almost as a consequence of the development of the Master Program. In the last four-yearly evaluation made by CAPES, the program had grade 6, demonstrating an excellence level and that it is one of the best in the Communication area. PPGCOM-UFF has 21 lecturers and associated researchers distributed in three thematic lines articulated with the following lines of research: Esthetics and Technologies of Communication and Media, Culture and Production of Meaning. The program receives students from different areas of knowledge and also foreign students through the Erasmus+ agreement. Education in the academic master’s degree program has the duration of two years, while the doctorate, of four years, in average.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Esthetics and Technologies of Communication;
- Media, Culture and Production of Meaning
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2624
Constitutional Law
Program description
Graduate Program in Constitutional Law aims to institute a field of advanced knowledge production on the state and superstrate political-legal institutions, joining them with the theoretical and historical foundations which are original to their shaping. The core of the program is the understanding of the constitutional phenomenon from its theoretical and historical roots. This perspective renovates the dogmatic constitutional approach, highlighting the encrusting of the Constitutional Law in the political-legal theoretical paradigm and in the underlying social reality, whose apprehension allows a reasoned, critical and propositional understanding of the legal reality.
Main lines of Research
- Political Institutions, Public Administration, and Constitutional Jurisdiction: The Political Institutions, Public Administration, and Constitutional Jurisdiction line of research has as main goal to investigate how modern States and the Brazilian State, in particular, work relating its structure and dynamics to the reach of Constitutional Law;
- Constitutional Law and Theory and International and Comparative Constitutional Law: The Constitutional Law and Theory and International and Comparative Constitutional Law line of research has as a goal to produce knowledge on the different processes of historical and theoretical constitution of the structures, principles, norms, and operation of modern and contemporaneous Constitutional Law.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 3674-7476
Defense and Civilian Safety
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 3674-7485
Program description
Universidade Federal Fluminense Graduate Program in Economics (PPGE-UFF) was created in 1987 as a master’s program. In 2003 the doctorate program was created. Currently (first semester of 2019) there are 28 accredited professors and around 200 enrolled students in both programs (including DINTER).
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Macroeconomics and Finances
- Political Economy and Economic History
- Social Economy and Sustainability
- Productive Development and Structural Change
- Quantitative Methods
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9735 / +55 (21) 2629-9736
Program description
Graduate Program in Education at UFF has as general goal the training and development of professionals committed to the advancement of knowledge in the field of education, to the practice of research and higher education activities. Their specific objectives are: (i) to enable a broad, deep, and critical view of the reality of education; (ii) to stimulate the development of scientific, philosophical and artistic activities in the field of education; and (iii) to develop, through research and study, theoretical analysis in the field of education, as well as analysis of educational practices, in the institutional level and also in different social movements.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Science, Culture and Education (CCE), with emphasis in Science Didactics, Training of Science Teachers;
- Diversity, Social Inequality and Education (DDSE), with emphasis in Social History of education, Social Class, Gender, Race, and Education, Social and Educational Practices of Teens and Adults;
- Study of Daily Life and of Popular Education (ECEP), with emphasis in Daily Life of the School and of Popular Movements, Literacy of students of lower classes;
- Philosophy, Esthetics and Society (FES);
- Language, Culture and Formative Processes (LCPF), with emphasis in Production of subjectivity and knowledge in their relations with educational and cultural processes, Processes of language, cultural identity and educational practices production;
- Policies, Education, Training, and Society (PEFS), with emphasis in Evaluation of politics and financial aid, Political Philosophy and Historical Processes in Education, training of education professionals;
- Work-Education (TE), with emphasis in historical Reconstruction in relation to Work and Education, The world of work and Academic Training.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2697
Information Science
Program description
Graduate Program in Information Science (PPGCI), linked to the Institute of Arts and Social Communication (IACS), was created in 2009 with the Academic Master’s program and in 2013 had the Doctorate program approved by CAPES, which was implemented in 2015. The management of the Program is organized in a system of Collegiate and Advisory Commissions, structured around two axes: organization, disclosure, systematization, and evaluation of the Program’s actions and the faculty. It is organized around an Area of Concentration named CONTEMPORANEOUS DIMENSIONS OF INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE, with two lines of research.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Information, Culture and Society: privileges epistemological, historical and social aspects, as well as aspects of its own;
- Socio-Technical Information Flows and Mediations: emphasizes the organization of information and of knowledge, the design and the implementation of services, information systems and networks, aiming to approximate mediation elements which will facilitate the appropriation of production and use contexts.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9671
Justice and Security
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2511
Law, Institutions and Business
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9653 / +55 (21) 2629-9655
Management Systems
Program description
The Professional Master’s in Management Systems aims to develop and improve management thought with focus on company results’ quality, on workers’ health and safety, as well as providing basic guidelines for implementing efficient actions regarding environmental aspects of the organizations. In summary, the central theme of this Program is to develop applied research on management methodologies, based on the principles of Sustainable Development.
Main lines of Research
- Total Quality Management System
- Environmental Management and Work Safety Management Systems
- Social Responsibility and Sustainability Management System
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-5727 / +55 (21) 2629-5728
Media and Daily Life
Master and Doctorate
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9681
Public Management
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 3674-7811
Public Policy and Development
Program description
The program offers professional training with solid understanding of the State’s role in Brazil, of exercising citizenship, and it comprehends social, ethical, and environmental issues that impact society. The goals of the program are the development and improvement of qualified personnel and commitment to the advancement of knowledge, as well as the execution of professional, technical and scientific activities.
Main lines of Research
- Public Management
- Public Policy
- Public Policy and Development
Contact information
Phone:+55 (24) 3076-8750
Regional Development, Environment and Public Policy
Program description
The goal of this Post-graduate program in Regional Development, Environment and Public Policy is to promote the qualification and improvement of researchers and lecturers, public managers and of the situation of associations and social movements on the Campos dos Goytacazes campus.
The program aims at training professionals to understand and analyze the multiple dimensions involved in the regional phenomena, whether they are social, special, political, economic, cultural or environmental. It proposes to develop, in these professionals, abilities and competences to work in the research, conception, implementation, and evaluation of public policies.
Main lines of Research
- Development, Environment, Public Policy, Conflict and Citizenship
Contact information
Phone:+55 (22) 2733-0319 / +55 (22) 2733-0310
Social Work & Regional Development
Program description
The Graduate Program in Social Work and Regional Development (PPGSSDR-UFF) is an academic master’s course (strictu sensu) aimed at graduates in Social Work, Social Sciences and related fields. To be taken in 24 months, it has a workload of 720 hours / 48 credits.
His area of concentration is in “Social Work, Regional Development and Public Policies”. The concentration area is based on the set of scientific concerns of the School’s teaching staff. These come from reality and refer to new societal configurations and to the complexification of contemporary social reality.
Therefore, we turn to studies on the reconfiguration and trends of regional development in Brazil and Latin America. With an emphasis on differentiations and complexification of the social structure under the hegemony of financial capital, consequent changes in the world of work and in the relationship between State, society and the structuring of public policies, the institutional project considers the inferences in the radicalization of the “social issue”, contributing with critical reflection to the area of Social Work and the like.
Main lines of Research
The Program organizes its area of concentration in two lines of research:
- Capitalist Development and Brazilian Social Formation
- Social Work, Public Policies and Professional Training
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2736
Strategic Studies of Defense and Security
Program description
This is the first Graduate Program in Strategic Studies and Defense in Brazil and it is the only one based in a civil institution in Rio de Janeiro. It maintains exchange and research agreements with higher education military institutions (ESG, EGN, ECEME, and ECEMAR / UNIFA). Research is structured in the connections between politics, war, international relations, and national security. In the area of national Defense and International Security, it aims to train high-level professionals, focusing on teaching and research, as well as specialists capable of working in state-owned agencies, whether they are national or multinational.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- International Security and Defense Policies: Interfaces between the questions of International Security and the Defense Policies chosen by the States, focusing on Brazil and its strategic surroundings, consisting, in a more immediate sense, by South America and South Atlantic, and in a more extended sense, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Atlantic coast of Africa.
- Public Policies and Defense Industry: The Defense Industry, Defense Logistics (or “Instruments to Power Preparation”), ST&I to Defense, Acquisition of Defense Systems, Economy of Defense, Armed Forces and National Defense, public policies in National Defense of the State, society, and armed forces.
- External and Defense Policies: External Politics design, evolution and metamorphosis in its interface with the dynamics of strategies and policies of national defense. Brazil as the central object, which does not exclude research about the relationship between External Politics and Defense Politics in key-countries in the understanding of the Brazilian role in the world.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 3674-7804
Teaching Practices
Program description
By recognizing the organicity of the dimensions of teaching, as well as the consequent importance of the integrality of varied disciplinary fields and pedagogical content, in the formal and non-formal educational contexts, our area of concentration has as a goal to promote an interdisciplinary, theoretical-practical dialogue. This way, we concentrate in the proposition of investigations on processes and essays of educational practices and of teacher training, which are present in the daily life of the school, that is built in relation to human experience diversity.
Main lines of Research
- Daily Life Epistemologies and Institutional Practices: This line is organized from research that approaches science and common sense; that legitimizes institutional movements, counter-hegemonic and local knowledges; that values experience and knowledge networks built in daily life, as well as memory and narratives.
- Teacher Training and Pedagogical Practices: Its thematic incidence is related to matters connected to Professional Identity, History of Teacher Training in Brazil, Teaching Theories and Practice, Diversity and Ethnic-racial relations in such spaces.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (22) 3851-0994
Program description
Academic Master’s degree in Tourism, with areas of concentration in Tourism and Society.
Main lines of Research
- Tourism, planning and management
- Tourism, Culture and Environment
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-5000 (ext. 1852)
Applied Optical Instrumentation
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-5602
Biosystems Engineering
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-5362
Chemical Engineering
Program description
This Program has as a goal the education of human resources with critical capacitation and solid knowledge in Chemical Engineering and similar areas for the realization of research and the deepening of technical and scientific studies in energy, the environment, and development of materials which contribute to the technological and social development of the country.
Main lines of Research
- Technologies for Nanomaterials Production: It aims to study the production of carbon nanotube by catalytic route, as well as the characterization and purification of carbon nanotubes.
- Processes and Surfaces and Interfaces Phenomena: It studies the interface and surface phenomena that occur especially in the interaction between solid and gas and between solid and liquid.
- Corrosion: It involves research about material corrosion, encompassing evaluation and performance of materials in many corrosive environments.
- Catalysis, Kinetics and Reactors: It studies processes and catalysts for the chemical industry.
- Modelling, Simulation, Control, Project, and Optimization of Processes: It develops research applied to modelling, simulation, control, project, and optimization of chemical, petrochemical and biotechnological processes with the use of computational tools.
- Thermofluidodynamics: It is associated to the theoretical and experimental development of fluids dynamics with or without heat and mass transfer in chemical and oil industry systems.
- Applied Thermodynamics: It develops studies about the determination of physical-chemical properties of diverse pure and mixed substances, investigation of thermodynamic models and thermodynamic analysis of processes.
- Biotechnology: It is associated to studies about conception, implementation, and dimensioning of biotechnological processes to obtain products with commercial potential or of added value.
- Environmental Technology and Sustainability: It is associated to the development/accompaniment of technologies aiming to ensure the environment in a sustainable way.
- Environmental Control: It aims to train professionals to detect the possible poisoning of an industrial effluent and suggest processes of removal of such processes both in the liquid and the gas state.
- Effluent Treatment: Studies related to the development of processes, aiming to use biomass in the production of biofuels.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-5427
Civil Engineering
Pós Civil
Master and Doctorate
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-5410 / +55 (21) 2629-5413
Industrial Assembling
Program description
The course aims to train professionals to act in the assembly of industrial facilities (chemical, petrochemicals, cellulose, nuclear, thermoelectric, sugar, cement plants, among others), equipment manufacturing, shipbuilding and offshore platforms, which are the main focus of the supply chain related to the industrial assembly industry.
The course will aim to train professionals to develop research in the areas of manufacturing and assembly methods and processes, project tools applied to industrial assembly, industrial facility commissioning, and industrial project management, with the main goal of increasing the competitiveness of the national industry in this segment.
Main lines of Research
- Manufacturing and Assembly Methods and Processes;
- Design Tools Applied to Industrial Assembly;
- Commissioning of Industrial Plants;
- Industrial Project Management.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-5365
Industrial Engineering
Master and Doctorate
Contact information
Industrial Engineering and Computational Systems
Program description
The Professional Master’s in Indistrial and Computational Systems Engineering (MESC) is a tuition-free program whose mission is to “Develop people and educate masters, so that they act in a practical, technological, and innovative manner both in public and in private organizations, contributing to national and regional progress.”
The main goals of the Program are:
- To develop people who are capable of applying knowledge in technical and technological activities in the work environment of public and private organizations;
- To train masters to develop and disseminate technical, technological, and scientific knowledge, mainly focused on innovation;
- To strengthen the flow of basic technical, technological, and scientific knowledge of either the public or private organization;
- To be able to promote innovation inside the society and the work environment;
- To master academic knowledge to act as a master in the education of professionals in the areas of competency developed in their training.
With the intention of favoring the access of professionals that work in businesses based in Macaé and nearby regions, the classes happen inside the training center of ZEN (Special Zone of Business), which is a reserved space for the implementation of businesses and is located in the border of the cities of Macaé and Rio das Ostras. This training center was made available for the MESC through an agreement between UFF and Rio das Ostas Mayorship.
MESC students will have to take at least 27 credits in on-campus courses (432 hours in total), in addition to 16 credits (256 hours in total) of oriented work, by means of the master’s dissertation.
Main lines of Research
- Implementation, Management, and Production Systems Evaluation;
- Operational and Simulation;
- Information Systems Engineering.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-4307
Mechanical Engineering
Program description
This Master’s degree Program was created in 1995, and the doctorate program in 2005. PGMEC offers a solid theoretical education in Mechanics, aiming to recycle professionals of the area of Engineering, to prepare lecturers to teach in higher education and, principally, to train professionals to approach practical problems that are of interest to the State of Rio de Janeiro and to the country.
Main lines of Research
PGMEC has two large areas of concentration: Mechanics of Solids and Thermosciences. They are associated to five lines of research:
- Structural Analysis
- Mechanics of Fluids
- Mechanics of Materials
- Computational Mechanics
- Heat and Mass Transfer
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-5591
Metallurgical Engineering
Master and Doctorate
Program description
In the last decade, the lines of research of the PPGEM went through adequations aiming to consolidate the functioning of the Master’s and the Doctorate programs. Until 2008, PPGEM concentrated itself in the analysis of natural components, thermomechanical treatments, ferrous materials, microstructural modelling, and in the simulation of processes and phenomena that utilizes transport equations. These lines of research composed the only Area of Concentration of the Program that was named “Modelling and Simulation of Processes and Phenomena”.
In a general way, the activities and the research projects were conducted with the help of a microcomputer network and of the undergraduate laboratories of mechanical tests, Thermic Treatments and Metallography and in one post-graduate laboratory of Electrochemistry. From this context, PPGEM began to work for the capitation of resources between 2006 and 2011.
The professors’ efforts directly or indirectly made possible the capitation of R$5.000.000,00 (five million reais) via Institutional Research Projects and Individual Aid. Such resources came from CAPES, FINEP, CNPq, and FAPERJ and were used in the creation of the following Research Laboratories: Multiuser Laboratory of Electronic Microscopy (LMME), Laboratory of Microstructural Characterization (LSM), Laboratory of Computational Simulation (LSComp), Laboratory of Controlled Solidification (LSC), and Multiuser Laboratory of Conformation and Thermomechanical Treatments (LMCTT).
Main lines of Research
- Conformation and Thermomechanical Treatments
- Energy of Environment
- Microstructure and Material Properties
- Steelworks Processes
- Biomaterials
- Surface Phenomena
- Advanced Materials
Contact information
Phone: +55 (24) 2107-3742
Management Systems
Program description
The Professional Master’s Program in Management Systems aims to develop and improve management thinking with focus on company results in terms of quality, on workers’ health and safety, as well as providing basic guidelines for implementing efficient actions regarding environmental aspects of organizations. In summary, the principal topic of this Program is to develop applied research on management methodologies, based on the principles of Sustainable Development.
Main lines of Research
- Total Quality Management System
- Environmental Management and Work Safety Management Systems
- Social Responsibility and Sustainability Management System
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-5727 / +55 (21) 2629-5615
Telecommunication and Electrical Engineering
Program description
PPGEET is divided in two areas of concentration; Telecommunications Systems and Electrical Energy Systems. Currently, the faculty is made of 26 permanent doctors, with titles from Brazil and other countries, plus one doctor collaborator. In 2018, the APCN proposal for the Doctorate program in Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering was approved by CAPES. This way, the program aims to stimulate research and the education of qualified professionals of electric and telecommunications engineering in both levels.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Signals and Mobile Communications Systems;
- Optical Communication Systems;
- Computer Networks;
- Modelling and Electrical Energy System Analysis;
- Machines, Equipment and Application of New Materials.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-5519 / +55 (21) 2629-5501
Health Sciences
Assistencial Nursing
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9464 / +55 (21) 2629-9494
Cardiovascular Sciences
Program description
The Graduate Program in Cardiovascular Sciences (PPGCCV) was created in 1985, when the master’s program started. Since the beginning, PPGCCV has aimed to qualify professionals to assist, teach, and research cardiovascular diseases. PPGCCV is unique in all of the state of RJ because it unites researchers who are interested in knowing the cardiovascular system from its fundamental aspects to population domain, going through Physiology, Physiopathology, Basic Pharmacology, and Applied Clinics.
This feature distinguishes the Program from a simple system that unites researchers and their groups, creating conditions for the construction of transdisciplinary projects with interactions that enrich and sophisticate questions to be answered, allowing the cardiovascular system study to go from the molecule to the population. This characteristic was one of the most important elements for its recognition by the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), which elevated the grade in the evaluation of the Program from 3 to 4 and allowed the creation of the doctorate program in 2008.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
There are Areas of Concentration in Cardiology and Biomedical Science, and the lines of research are:
- Molecular Biology and Pharmacogenetics of the Cardiovascular System
- Biomarkers and Interventions in Orovalvularpathy
- Primary and Secondary Cardiac Mechanical Dysfunction
- Electrophysiology and Cardiac Arrhytmia Mechanisms
- Cardiovascular Integrative Physiology
- Cardiovascular Autonomic Function and Dysfunction
- Physiopathologic Mechanisms and Epidemiology of Coronary Atherosclerosis
- Hormonal Modulation and Metabolic Control of the Cardiovascular System
- Familiar Cardio-Neural-Metabolic-Renal Project in Niterói
- Membrane Receptors and Second Messengers of the Cardiovascular System
- Cardiorespiratory Responses and Adaptation to Exercise
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9382 / +55 (21) 2629-7252
Child and Mother Health
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9355 / +55 (21) 2629-9360
Dentistry (Health Institute of Nova Friburgo)
Program description
PPGO-ISNF is the first graduate initiative from the Federal Government in the field of Dentistry in the mountainous region in the state of Rio de Janeiro, internalizing knowledge and allocating professionals in regions outside big metropolitan centers.
Main lines of Research
There are two Areas of Concentration:
- Dentistry Clinic with the following lines of research:
- Physicochemical biological properties of dentistry materials;
- Epidemiology and oral health care;
- Biology and Oral Maxillofacial Pathology with the lines:
- Structural and Experimental Oral Biology;
- Oral diseases Pathogenesis
Contact information
Phone: +55 (22) 2528-7168 / +55 (22) 2528-7166
Program description
The Graduate Program in Dentistry (PPGO-UFF), founded in 2002, today has 30 permanent professors in the Master’s and Doctorate programs, and three concentration areas: Odontology Clinic, Cosmetic Dentistry, and Orthodontics. Through periodical meetings of the board of the program, strategies have been implemented to reach new horizons, such as:
- Strengthening of the multiusers labs with renovation works and equipment acquisition, in a way to make available adequate infrastructure for the development of laboratorial research;
- Strengthening of clinical spaces for the development of clinical research through Graduation;
- Adequacy of the faculty board, with the aim of stimulating effective productivity, professor-undergraduate student/post-graduate student interaction and fomentation capitation;
- Restructuring of the course offer, aiming to reach a more solid scientific basis for students;
- To stimulate activities that lead to the establishment of national and international partnerships.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Odontology Clinic: Oral diseases: morph-histologic and pathologic aspects of the oral tissue. Oral diagnostics, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.
- Odontological Clinic: Study of biological, physical-chemical, microbiological, and cytotoxic properties of biomaterials used in dentistry.
- Cosmetic Dentistry: Development, properties, and application techniques of recuperative biomaterials.
- Orthodontics: Normality and orthodontic problems; craniofacial growth and development; prevalence, diagnosis, influent factor and results of malocclusion treatments.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9803
Family Health
Program description
Our Professional Master’s Degree Program in Family Health – PROSAÚDE is proposed by the Brazilian Association of Collective Health (ABRASCO), with academic coordination by Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). Its main goals are: To train professionals to be apt to act as preceptors for undergraduate studies and medical residence in Family Health, aiming to contribute to the improvement of the attendance of the users of Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS); to strengthen educational activities of knowledge production and of management in Family Health; to establish an integrative relationship among health care, workers, students of the field and users. PROFSAÚDE is a blended program, with long-distance and in-person meetings. The Collective Health Institute (ISC/UFF) integrates the National Network of PROFSAÚDE as an Associate Institution, and it is responsible for the implementation of this program at UFF.
Main lines of Research
- Management, evaluation of services in family health strategies – basic attention
- Health Attention, access and quality in basic attention in health
- Education and Health; contemporary tendencies in education, competences and strategies in professional education
- Integral Attention to cycles of life and vulnerable groups
- Information and health
- Clinical Research – interest of basic attention
- Vigilance in health
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9377 / +55 (21) 2629-9357
Health Science Care
Program description
PACSS has the goal of educating qualified researchers committed to advancement and innovation of knowledge in the context of Brazilian healthcare, aiming to promote academic knowledge production oriented by dialogicity, educational-care with focus on leadership, capacity of creation, technological innovation, sustainability, scientific, and ethic rigor, collaborating with the improvement of education and social transformation.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Healthcare in its sociocultural context:
- Management of services in the institutions and their interfaces
- Human groups in healthcare in the cultural, psychosocial, epidemiological, and innovational context
- Healthcare promotion and diseases prevention
- Clinical Care:
- Clinical studies
- Healthcare in vital human cycles
- Clinical Epidemiology
- The dimensions of protection, treatment, and rehabilitation in nursing and healthcare
- Management of healthcare and innovation
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9496
Medical Sciences

Program description
The structure of the Graduate Program in Medical Sciences (PPGCM), prioritizing the researchers and the lines of research, aims to develop scientific production in the medical field in our Institution. The program aims to deepen the candidate’s knowledge in subjects of their interest, as long as they are related to the lines of research of the program, besides promoting interdisciplinarity through a curricular structure that integrates clinical and basic areas and the study of health problems in the academe with great social inclusion.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Applying Methods of Imaging in Internal Medicine: Studies on applying methods of diagnostic imaging and the evolution of diseases, focusing on high-resolution computed tomography, with relation to clinical pathology, obstetric ultrasonography and fetal medicine.
- Non-Communicable Diseases: Epidemiologic, clinical, and experimental studies, aiming to research pathophysiology, complications and options for intervention in these diseases, focusing on the following infirmities: obesity, hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, autoimmune disease and neoplasia.
- Clinical and Experimental Studies on Endocrinology Metabolism and Nutrition: Experimental and clinical-epidemiologic studies to assess endocrine-metabolic, nutritional, and biochemical effects on humans and on animal models for diseases, considering distinct pathological situations, focusing on the systemic ones.
- Perioperative Surgical Medicine: Physio pathological and epidemiological mechanisms, therapeutic and diagnostic approaches, involving pre and post-operative and techniques focusing on chorioretinal disease and glaucoma; osteoarthropathy and use of biomaterials and cellular therapy; treatment of tumors in the central nervous system.
- Clinical Epidemiological Studies and the Development of Laboratorial Techniques Applied to Diagnose and Treatment of Infections: Etiopathogenesis and epidemiological characteristics of infections. Development of techniques for the diagnosis and therapy of infectious diseases.
- Women’s and Children’s Health: Studies on Promoting Health and Preventing Aggravation: Studies on health problems directed to women, children and teens’ health, focusing on mother-child mortality and morbidity, and clinical epidemiological aspects of diseases in this population.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9369 / +55 (21) 2629-9381
Master and Doctorate
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9015
Program description
The Graduate program in Neurosciences has as a goal to train human resources in Science and Technology, in Neurobiology, Neuroimmunology, and Cellular and Molecular Biology, thus creating a multidisciplinary profile.
The program has 14 resident lecturers and 5 collaborators, plus 34 lines of research, 79 research projects and 7 extension projects in these areas of concentration. In a broader sense, the program train lecturers and researches to develop basic and translational scientific investigation in Health and Education beyond teaching since elementary school to higher education in areas of the Biological Sciences kind.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
PPGNeuro has 34 lines of research that include a vast scale of subareas in the Neurosciences, encompassing the understanding of basic mechanisms of neurochemistry and cell signaling, neuroimmunology, apoptosis, SNC development, formation of neural connections and development disturbance, neuroplasticity, neuropharmacology, pathology associated to central and peripheral injuries, neurodegenerative diseases, molecular biology, neuroncology and many aspects of behavior in human and animal models.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2267
Nutrition Sciences
Program description
The Graduate Program in Nutrition Sciences began its activities on September 13th, 2017, and it is based in the Faculdade de Nutrição Emilia de Jesus Ferreiro. The area of concentration of the PPGCN covers interface studies between food, nutrition, and healthcare; focusing, among other aspects, in the nutritional situation of the Brazilian population; the guidelines of promoting healthcare; the evaluation of the nutritional state; the nutritive and nutritional vigilance; the development of food for special purposes; and the nutritional recommendation and its applicability to the individual and the groups of all stages of life, health or sick, inside the principles and scientific evidences which support the Global Food, Physical Activity, and Healthcare Strategy of the WHO.
Main lines of Research
- Vigilance in Healthcare and Nutritional and Food Security
- Food: From the experiment to the clinical use
- Nutritional and Metabolism Evaluation
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9898
Program description
Our Graduate Program in Pathology has as a goal the training of professionals in the fields of health and biological sciences for the practice of the higher education and research and, exceptionally, professionals of other areas of knowledge can also take the program with projects in the area of Pathology. The Program offers both Master’s and Doctorate, integrated in different degrees of complexity, in two areas of concentration: General Pathology and Human Pathology (exclusive to Medical Doctors and Dental Surgeons). The Graduate Program in Pathology is also open for Post-Doctorate students.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
Human Pathology (for Medicine or Dentistry Bachelors)
- Oral diseases: The investigation of the etiopathogenic, morpho functional, molecular, clinic, and therapeutic aspects of maxillofacial diseases;
- Pathology of human neoplasms: The investigation of the etiopathogenic, morpho functional, molecular, clinic, and therapeutic aspects of human neoplasms;
- Pathology of inflammatory and immunologic diseases: The investigation of human infectious diseases and autoimmune diseases.
General Pathology (for Bachelors in the fields of Health and Biological Science only)
- Inflammation, repair, and immunopathology: Etiopathogenic investigation of the tissular, immunologic, molecular response and morpho functional aspects of inflammation and repair in humans, animals, and experimental models; the study of microorganisms of hospital origin;
- Genetic and tumor disease: The investigation of monogenic, chromosomic, and multifactorial genetic diseases, and therapeutic mechanisms;
- Pathology of nutrition and environmental diseases: The investigation of the environmental and nutrient impact in pathogenesis of human, animal or experimental models’ diseases;
- Development of methods or innovation and creation of utility products: Development of methods or innovation and creation of utility products, with clinical applicability, in research and in the process of teaching-learning.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9128
Pharmaceutical Assistance Management
Program description
The main goal of the Program is the training of qualified human resources, who are committed to the advancement of knowledge who have an education that will allow them to work in the identification, design, analysis, and search for solutions of problems related to the management of pharmaceutical assistance and the rational use of medicines. The tasks developed by the students interact strongly with new quality services, allowing a bigger integration between the University and the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), in the area of pharmaceutical assistance.
Main lines of Research
- Administration and Management of Pharmaceutical Assistance: Projects related to the qualification of pharmaceutical services in the private and public sectors.
- Rational Use of Medicines: Projects that aim to study the processes of usage of medicines and their consequences in society, as well as the development and accompaniment of actions which aim at the promotion of rational use of such technologies.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9602
Public Health
Program description
PPGSC-UFF was created in 2007 and its first class started in 2008. It has as a goal to train lecturers, researchers, and professionals in Collective Healthcare in a critical way; to develop research projects of national and international cooperation; to collaborate to the consolidation and amplification of SUS, based on its guidelines, supporting the construction of public policies in the different regions of the Rio de Janeiro state, through research, teaching activities and of extension; and to reflect, research, and propose innovative ways for the teaching of Collective Healthcare in undergraduate studies of different areas of Healthcare as well as in post-graduate studies. With emphasis on a transdisciplinary nature in Collective Healthcare, the program is based in the comprehension of healthcare as a product of social determination and in the interaction with healthcare services. It possesses only one area of concentration – Public Healthcare.
Main lines of Research
- Determinants in the healthcare/disease process in the cycle of life
- Nutrition in Collective Health
- Care in healthcare: theory and praxis
- Education in/on Healthcare: knowledges and practices
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9377 / +55 (21) 2629-9357
Veterinary Medicine (Clinical and Animal Reproduction)
Program description
The Graduate Program in Veterinary Medicine (Clinical and Animal Reproduction) has as a goal to train professionals to be apt to meet the expectations of the qualitative expansion of university education and the development of projects in the lines of research of Clinics – diagnostical, preventive, and therapeutic – in Veterinary Medicine and of Physiopathology and Reproductive Biotechniques.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Line Diagnostical, preventive, and therapeutic clinics in veterinary medicine: It aims to establish clinical, laboratory, or imaging diagnosis, just like the treatment and the control of alterations that come from parasitic, infectious, or metabolic diseases which attack both pets and wild animals.
- Physiopathology and Reproductive Biotechniques: Study of animal reproduction physiology and of pathologies which interfere in reproduction efficiency and the development of biotechnological techniques, aiming at the improvement of the production species.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9527 / +55 (21) 2629-9528
Language, Literature and Arts
Cinema and Audiovisual Studies
Program description
PPGCine – The Graduate Program in Film is focused mainly in the theories and analyses which articulate different approaches in relation to film, with emphasis in the cultural, political, subjective, technological, and experimental processes through which these fields are constituted. In this sense, the universe of image and sound is presented as an arena of problematization which allows investigations with esthetic, mediatic, economic, historical, narrative, pedagogical, and technological contributions.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Narratives and Esthetics: This line of research aims to approach themes that are concentrated in the materiality of the film object, its narrative dimension, and its languages.
- Stories and Politics: This line investigates film and its relations to other fields of knowledge from historical and political issues and perspectives.
Contact information
E-mail: /
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9685
Contemporary Studies of the Arts
Program description
The Graduate Program in Contemporary Studies of the Arts (PPGCA-UFF) considers as one of the most consistent marks of the artistic field nowadays the fading in the delimitations between different artistic practices – visual, audiovisual, theater, dance, music –, as well as the frontiers between the arts and other disciplines and everyday practices.
To deal with this reality, PPGCA-UFF searches an effective crossing of knowledge, critical discourses and practices. In this perspective, its three lines of research – Critical Studies of the Arts, Studies of the Arts in Social Contexts and Studies of Artistic Processes – conjugate artistic, theoretical and social insertion projects in an articulate way, crisscrossing the study and the practice of the arts with some referential of art, history, politics, sociology, anthropology, education, and psychoanalysis theory.
Main lines of Research
- Critical Studies of the Arts: Theoretical and critical investigation of the arts. Current debates in the transit between disciplines and languages.
- Studies of the Arts in Social Contexts: Investigation of the processes of production and reception of the arts with emphasis in their cultural, political, and educational dimensions.
- Studies of Artistic Processes: Development of theoretical studies with foundation in the creation of the researcher artist articulated with contemporaneous matters of the arts.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9672
Language Studies
Program description
The Graduate Program in Language Studies from UFF was approved by CAPES in 2009 and it started in 2010, as a result of the dismemberment of the old Post-Graduate Program in Letters, created in 1970. The program aims to make masters and doctors in the field of Linguistics. POSLING currently has 41 Lecturers/Professors as well as collaborators and visitors, and more than 250 students.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
There are three lines of research at POSLING:
- Linguistic Theory and Analysis
- Text, Discourse and Interaction Studies
- Linguistic History, Politics and Contact
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2607 / +55 (21) 2629-2608
Literary Studies
Program description
The Graduate Program in Literary Studies is both an M.A. and a doctoral program, which means that all students enrolled prepare for the M. a. and the Ph.D. degree. The program grants a terminal M.A. to students who leave the program before having completed the Ph.D.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of research:
- Literature, History and Culture;
- Literature, Theory of Literature and Literary Criticism;
- Literature, Intermidiality and Translation
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2607 / +55 (21) 2629-2608
Program description
The Post-Graduate Program in Anthropology (PPGA) encompasses the Master’s Degree in Anthropology, created in 1994, and the Doctorate in Anthropology, created in 2002. Its goal is to prepare professionals – masters and doctors – with strict academic development to act in the academic market and to use and spread knowledge in other institutions, such as non-governmental organizations, social movements, and public administration firms.
Both programs aim to comprehend the different interests and lines of research, assuring basic development regarding the standard professional recognition of the anthropologist. We highlight the exchange with international and national institutions. Many agreements with international academic institutions have been approved (Angola, Argentina, Canada, Portugal, Spain, United States, France, Syria, Egypt, South Africa), involving professors and students, which constitutes a focus on new joint research and publications, as well as promoting exchange studies and research.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Legal Culture, Public Safety and Conflict Management: Analyses, in a comparative perspective, of the legal models of truth production and institutional management of conflict in public spaces. Ethnographies of practices and processes of conflict management connected to legal institutions and public safety institutions, as well as moralities that inform and conform to social relations.
- Ritual and Symbolism: This line of research puts together cosmological system studies and symbolic processes in different ethnographic contexts, prioritizing themes of ritual, reciprocity relations, experience, personal development as well as forms of interaction. Religiosity and devotional practices.
- Anthropology and Politics: Comprehends studies on distinct modalities and manifestations of power relations. Phenomena analysis related to the constitutions, organization, and functioning of the State, as well as the distinct modes of collective mobilization. It is about interrogating, among other aspects, processes responsible for defining and transforming the public sphere, forming state and political agents, group creations and social identities, as well as modalities of state power relations, bureaucracy and the personnel involved.
- Ethnology, Ethnicity and Nationalisms: The idea is to put together anthropological and historical studies of ethnicity and nationalism phenomena, prioritizing the analysis of social processes of construction of contrasting and situational identities, as well as Indigenous societies, African-Brazilian populations, immigrants, etc., focusing on its social forms, cosmologies, political and cognitive impacts created by the established relationship with national societies’ agents.
- Cultural Heritage, Productive Practices and Occupational Categories: Productive practices studies, integrational knowledge transfer. Personal and familiar trajectories. Patrimonialization processes, social and economic uses of material and immaterial heritage. Politics of value, memory and identity. Interfaces between anthropology and education, science, nature and technology. Focus on urban and rural workers, peasants and family farming, comprehending other aspects, forms of political organization and expression of social conflict.
- Economic Anthropology: Studies on forms of economic organization, including categories and representations related to goods production and circulation, as well as money, assets, objects, people, and services. It comprehends research that focus on the direct relationship between practice and use of assets and services that conform experience and identities through consumption. It prioritizes how, in different contexts, such processes are integrated and interconnected with other social domains, enabling distinct market modalities and expressions.
- Urban Anthropology: Research on forms of sociability, sociality and social process in urban contexts, especially in areas like metropolitan ethnography, migration studies and urban dynamics, urbanization processes, urban renovation and gentrification. Relations between public and private space. Touristification, uses and counter-uses of the city.
- Anthropology of Sport and of the Body: The use and the “experience” of the body in a comparative perspective; the body in sporting and leisure practices; social control and sports social projects; reflection on junctions and disjunctions of the mind, the body, of the gender and of emotion; body, gender, ethnicity, and racialization; culture and nature as elements in the distinction between sex and gender; new configurations of gender and social movements; gender, body, and health; body, communication, and cognition.
- Anthropology of Art, Image and Communication: Studies on performance, festive and artistic practices. Expressive languages like dance, music and drama. Poetics and politics of museum collections and exhibitions. Ethnographic and artistic objects. Research on different practices and visual and audio-visual narrative styles. Visual Anthropology and the use of images in different media contexts, including cyberculture studies.
- Cultural Cartography, Transnationalism and Diasporas: Ethnographies of forms of production, transmission and distribution of knowledge on different societies and cultures that constitute the geopolitics of the contemporary world. Analysis of the peoples’ characteristics in their transnational and national articulations. Identifying idiosyncrasies in the social, religious, political, and economic spheres, and identifying linguistic and ethnic-cultural diversity. Verification of contrasts, parallels, continuity, and ruptures between societies and their different diasporas. Focus: Studies on Africa, Middle East and, in a national perspective, Amazon tribes.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2866
Culture and Territoriality
Program description
The Post-Graduate Program in Culture and Territoriality (PPCULT), was approved in 2012 by CAPES, having received in their first four-yearly evaluation (2013-2016), grade 4. It is the result of a demand of UFF lecturers and students for more investment in research and study in the field of culture and territoriality because of its increasing importance in contemporaneity. Gathering lecturers from different areas (such as Cultural Production, Media and Cultural Studies, Education, Anthropology, History, Letters, Sociology, Communication, etc.), brought together by their research and reflections related to the study of culture in many senses, especially when it comes to discussing spatiality and territoriality, material and symbolic, the new Program finds its place of insertion by excellency in an interdisciplinary perspective, a great area at CAPES, in which it is inserted.
Main lines of Research
- POLITICS, SPACIALITIES, RELATIONS, AND SOCIOCULTURAL CONFLICTS – This line of research recognizes the mutual dependence relations between space, culture and politics. It is translated, therefore, in the social and cultural practices crossed by the diverse types of territorialization and the way the social subjects take their place in the political world. This way, it is interesting to interpolate phenomena identified in the relations between politics and culture, between culture and patrimony, between diversity, difference, and otherness, between economy and cultural work, between culture, conflict, and power, between sociability and ways of territory appropriation, between generational dimensions, etc., in their relations with the multiple ways of production of spaces and the city;
- PERFOMANCES, AGENCIES, AND PLURAL CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE – It examines social practices which forge identities, territories, and spatiality. It aims to investigate, in an interdisciplinary perspective, experiences related to social interactions in the city, the country, the cyberspace involving knowledge exchange and cultural mediations, relations of power and political, cultural dispute, etc. In the proposed approach, objects, bodies, spaces are seen as bearers of agency, poetic qualities, performative dimensions in the measure in which they trigger modalities and ritualistic, imaginary, religious, and artistic qualities;
- BORDERS AND PRODUCTIONS OF MEANING – This line intends to discuss borders and flows in multiple meanings, beyond its physical dimension, although including it, but also incorporating other possibilities in terms of displacement and hybridity. In this sense, the line will encompass reflections about territoriality in its regional, national and global dimensions, thinking from in-between-places. In the same way, we will focus in matters of post-/de- colonialism (with emphasis in Latin America in a general way), of intersectionality (with emphasis in the variables surrounding gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, class, migrations, diasporas), of narrative constructions of memories, identities, representations, subjectivities, and routes. Discursive aspects, relations of power, and the multiple languages of culture surrounding the productions of meaning will guide the reflections in multi, inter, and transcultural perspectives.
Contact information
Program description
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
Contact information
Program description
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
Contact information
Program description
The Graduate Program in History (PPGH) was created in 1971, with the Master’s degree and expanded, in 1985, with the Doctorate degree. Since 1998, its excellence has been recognized with the grade 7 (seven), the highest rate granted by the Ministry of Education and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES in Portuguese).
In the research area of Social History, the Program has six thematic sectors, and they’re sctructured in three different lines of research.
1) Ancient History;
2) Medieval History;
3) Modern and Colonial History;
4) Contemporary History: Tradition and Modernity;
5) Contemporary History: Culture, Politics and Present Time; and
6) Contemporary History: Critical Theory and Historical Knowledge.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
Power and Society;
Culture and Society; Economy and
Contact information
Tel: (021) 2629-2919
Fax: (021) 2629-2829
Campus do Gragoatá
Rua Prof. Marcos Waldemar de Freitas Reis, Bloco O, sala 505
24210-201 – Niterói – RJ
Homeland Security & Strategic Studies
Program description
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
Contact information
Program description
PFI currently has 16 permanent professors, all of them have high productivity according to the fomentation agency, and it is in its eighth year of operation. Since 2011, the year that the master’s program began, there were more than 60 dissertation defenses, which enabled us to open the doctorate program after we raised the grade to 4 in the last four-yearly evaluation by CAPES. The doctorate program is going to be launched now in August 2019. The big news is that we increased our number of lines of research from 2 to 4 and we count with students that keep qualifying themselves, and also with a journal of excellency, namely “Viso: Cadernos de estética aplicada”, bound to one of the Lines of the Program.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Esthetics and Art Philosophy: This line of research was created from the convergence of a series of research in development by professors of the Department of Philosophy at UFF, which, since 2009, have been working in the Group of Research of Esthetics and Art Philosophy, responsible for the edition of the Viso: Cadernos de estética aplicada ( The diversity of the topics approached, historic periods and problems treated but the individual research – from Ancient Greece to Modernity and Contemporaneity – build a space of mutual theoretical reference, ideal for the investigation and organization of events in Esthetics.
- History of Philosophy: This line came from the perception that the research and publications of our professors are related not only to the investigation of historic-philosophic nature or related to History of Philosophy, but thematize, in a large scale, the repercussion of schools and philosophic authors in other periods of the history of philosophy, just like the origin of concepts and philosophic problems of a time in previous periods in the history of philosophy. In other words, they are fundamentally problems of history of philosophy that are at stake in the research of these professors. Moreover, the line justifies itself also because of the importance of this study in the tradition of the philosophical thinking itself. From Plato and Aristotle, the discussion with tradition is a fundamental element in the exercise of Philosophy. And we can also say that, since Hegel, the historicity of the thinking transformed itself into philosophy in an inescapable dimension.
- Knowledge and Language: This line has as main goal to gather researchers whose research projects focus, above all, topics dear to logic and language philosophy (in its analytical and pragmatic sides), to the philosophy of mind and to phenomenology (prevailed by discussions relating to knowledge and the retaking of metaphysics). In this line, diverse colorations between the fields of Analytics, Pragmatic, Phenomenology, and the Philosophy of Mind are recognized, and they can promote methodic and rigorous studies, both in the exegetical and in the thematic nature.
- Ethics and Political Philosophy: This line had its origin in the necessity of converging a series of investigations and academic productions already in course, developed in isolation by professors of our Post-Graduate Program, and that, however, could not find an adequate place for their articulation of the lines of research that already existed. Moreover, and in second place, this line justifies itself also because of the pertinence and permanence of the thematic horizon and the problems showed by practical philosophy and by political thinking in the center of our philosophic tradition and even our common culture (which already incorporated, in its vulgar repertoire, terms such as “moral”, “freedom”, “democracy”, “republic”, “authoritarianism”, “human rights”, among others). In this sense, it is about gathering a group of thematic researches organized according to three main axes: (a) the different meanings of moral and ethics and their mutual interactions; (b) the relationship between the notions of authority and obedience understood in their imminent political registry, which means, like the relationship between rulers and the governed; (c) the ways of institutionalization and of resistance to power, comprised in a macro and micropolitical key, and their relationships with the scope of morality in general.
Contact information
Political Science
Program description
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
Contact information
Program description
Main lines of Research
Contact information
Program description
The Post-Graduate Program in Sociology has as a goal to train professionals to work in research and teaching, as well as in the more diverse sectors of society, such as NGOs, private firms, and the federal, state, and municipal administration. For such, it is anchored in the production of critical knowledge about current themes related to the scope of its lines of research, aiming at the social-economic development and the respect towards diversity as a part of its institutional mission. The area of concentration is “Society, Culture, and Social Change”.
Master, Doctorate
Main lines of Research
Line 1: Culture, territory and social change – This Line is focused on investigations about three fundamental dimensions of social life: Culture, which contains symbolic aspects of relations, institutions and social practices; territory, understood as an interactive component of the social interactions; and the processes of social change, which necessarily pass through such dimensions of social life.
Line 2: State, markets, and conflicts – This Line is focused on investigations about actions and state and political institutions, in addition to processes and relations of power in a broader sense, as well as involving investigations about markets and their respective – economic, political, social, and cultural – relations.
Contact information
Email: Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2936.
Teaching in History
Program description
PROFHISTÓRIA is a Graduate Program in the Teaching of History, fomented and recognized by CAPES. Nationally coordinated by Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, the program aims to provide continuing education for basic education History teachers, contributing to the improvement of the quality of teaching and also to give to its alumni certified qualification in the practice of the History Teacher profession.
Main lines of Research
There are three lines of research:
- Historical Knowledges in the School Space
- Languages and Historical Narratives
- Production and Diffusion and Historical Knowledges in different spaces of memory
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2927
Physics, Mathematics and Earth Sciences
Program description
The Graduate Program in Chemistry at UFF was created in 2008 by the unification of the Graduate Program in Organic Chemistry and the Graduate Program in Chemistry. The new PPGQ-UFF – at the Masters and Doctorate levels – is of an interdepartmental nature and aims to promote the training and improvement of high-level professionals focused on teaching and research, as well as to encourage and contribute to the development of research in all areas of concentration in Chemistry.
The diversity of the main lines of research of the PPGQ has provided the expansion of the frontiers of Chemistry developed in our laboratories. In fact, the collaboration between the permanent groups and the association with other national and international groups, makes interdisciplinarity an outstanding feature in research and in the work guided by the Program’s lecturers. Students can apply for the following programs: Master’s Degree, Direct Doctor’s and Doctorate after Master’s Degrees.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Kinetics and Catalysis;
- Electrochemistry and Electroactive Nanomaterials;
- Molecular Modeling / Computational Chemistry / Theoretical Chemistry;
- Bioinorganic, Bioorganic and Bioanalytical Chemistry;
- Chemistry of Natural Products;
- Organic Synthesis;
- Development and Application of Analytical Methods;
- Spectroscopy;
- Environmental Chemistry;
- Petroleum Chemistry, Natural Gas and Alternative Fuels;
- Molecular Compounds and Materials
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2416
Computer Science
Program description
The Post-Graduate Program in Computer Science (PGC) of the Institute of Computer Science (IC) of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) was created in 1999, through the fusion of the post-graduate programs in Computer Science and in Applied Computer and Automation, both existed since 1995. In 2002, the Doctorate program in Computer Science was launched, receiving, alongside with the Master’s program, grade 4 by CAPES. The doctorate program boosted the quality of research developed at the PGC and in the four-yearly evaluation performed in 2007 the program earned grade 5 by CAPES. Through the last 10 years, the program went through important internal reorganization, implemented a policy for hiring doctors with a research profile, and received a considerable investment in infrastructure. As a result of its growth, in the four-yearly evaluation in 2017, the program earned grade 6 by CAPES. The Program has as main goal to train highly-qualified professionals in the activities of teaching and research in Computer Sciences, including its practical applications, particularly in Engineering and Healthcare. Alongside with this goal, the Program presents a clearly multidisciplinary profile, acting strongly in the areas of Scientific Computing, Computing Applied to Potency Systems and Computing Applied to Healthcare. The recent main initiative of the PGC to promote the internationalization of the program was the submission of projects to the CAPES/PRINT Public Notice (“Edital”). The PGC had three CAPES/PRINT projects approved in 2018 and they will be worked on until 2022, which will allow the offer of more doctoral exchange program scholarships, several faculty work missions accredited abroad and the reception of foreign researchers as visitors at the PGC, encouraging the collaboration with international partners.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
The program is currently organized in five areas of concentration, namely:
- Algorithms and Optimization: This area of concentration is dedicated, mostly, to computational modelling of problems of fundamental optimization or originated in applications in the areas of telecommunication, transportation, sports, manufacturing, biology, and medicine, just like the search for efficient algorithms in the resolution of such problems. It is articulated with four lines of research that complement each other: Computational Biology, Combinatorial Optimization, Metaheuristics and Theory, and Algorithms in Graphs.
- Scientific Computing and Potency Systems: This area of concentration is about two big themes. Scientific computing is an approach used to improve the understanding of the phenomena studied in Natural Sciences and in Engineering. Computational systems are developed and they aim to represent the phenomena in study from their mathematical description. Computational techniques are analyzed aiming at the formal establishment of its effectivity and efficiency. The search for efficiency incorporates, usually, the use of high-performance computational techniques, including parallel and distributed processing because a great amount of data is involved. Each phenomenon is analyzed through computational simulations. The second theme deals with complex potency systems, which are destined to generate, transmit and distribute electrical energy. The narrow dependence of modern society in relation to the use of electrical energy has been leading to the search for solutions for sophisticated problems which have to do with continuity and quality of supply. The great postage of potency systems and the aggregation of new technologies bring constant challenges to the analysis, planning and operation of these systems. In this context, computational methods, optimization techniques, and artificial intelligence constitute a powerful tool when dealing with problems in this area.
- Visual Computing: This area of concentration deals with computational systems applied to any step of an acquisition, processing, analysis, synthesis, and interpretation process of visual data. It is an interdisciplinary area that requires knowledge in the fields of computer science, mathematics, physics, engineering, and cognitive sciences, among others. The depth of knowledge required in each field depends on the adopted line of research and on the considered applications. In the area of Visual Computing activities are developed in seven lines of research: Image Analysis and Processing, Computer Graphics, Human-Computer Interaction, Games and Digital Entertainment, Geometric Data Processing, Computer Vision and Data Visualization.
- Systems and Information Engineering: The area of Systems and Information Engineering concentrates its studies in methodologies and techniques for software development and the acquisition, representation, management, analysis, and transformation of data, information and knowledge that is consumed or produced by computational systems. These studies are made in theoretical and formal contexts as much as in practical and applied ones. The ESI area is organized in five lines of research: Database, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Programing Languages, and Formal Methods.
- Computer Systems: This area develops scientific, theoretical and applied research, in the following lines of research: Algorithms and Distributed Systems, Ubiquitous Computing, High Performance Processing, Computer Networks, System Security, and Multimedia Systems. The area has modern computational resources in the thematic labs MídiaCom and SGCLab, as well as broad access to resources external to IC via interaction with national and international businesses. In this area of concentration courses are offered regularly, such as Distributed Algorithms, Parallel Algorithm, Parallel Architecture, Mobile Computing, Computer Networks and Real Time and Onboard Computing; in addition to optional courses, such as Computer Network Architecture, Performance Evaluation, Large Scale Computing, Ubiquitous Computing, Onboard Systems Development, Network Engineering, Multimedia Systems Development, Parallel Programing Lab, Multimedia Networks, Network Security, and Special Topics in Computer Systems.
Contact information
Earth Sciences Teaching
Program description
Main lines of Research
Contact information
Environmental Technology
Program description
This course aims to qualify researchers with an interdisciplinary profile who should be capable of contributing to the conservation of the environment and/or with solutions to environmental problems that affect the quality of life of the community and sustainability of natural resources. The faculty is comprised of researchers of various fields such as exact sciences, earth sciences and humanities.
Main lines of Research
- Environmental Pollution
- Technologies for Reuse of Waste
- Sustainability
Contact information
Phone: +55 (24) 2107-3766
Geosciences (Geochemistry)
Program description
The Graduate Program in Geosciences (Environmental Geochemistry) is firmly committed to the integration between high-quality teaching and international research in all levels, aiming to be part of the continuous evolution of Geology, Chemistry and Biology, with integrated, inter and multidisciplinary sciences, promoting awareness of the geoscientist’s role in modern society.
In this context, our mission is to provide inclusive, productive, and innovative education in an engaging academic environment for Geochemistry students studying for Doctorate, Master’s, and Bachelor’s degrees. Furthermore, we aim to promote intellectual and professional development through integrated research activities involving professors, students and, at times, staff, encouraging collective and participative action.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
Environmental Biochemistry, Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironment and Global Change
Environmental Contamination, Degradation and Recovery
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2218
Program description
The current Post-Graduate Program in Mathematics (PPGMAT-UFF), after deep restructuring, had the approval to work through the CFE legal ruling number 229/93, published in the Diário Oficial in April 26th, 1993. Initially, it began just with the Master’s program. The Doctorate program was only offered in 2008, initially in the lines of Topology/Dynamic Systems, Differential Geometry and Algebraic Geometry. Currently its faculty develops research in the areas of Non-Commutative Algebra, Partial Differential Equations, Complex Dynamics, Probability, Holomorphic Foliations, Topology, Computational View, Computational and Discrete Mathematics, Biomathematics, and Quantitative Finance.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Currently we are in a process of restructuring our lines of research – in this sense, the information provided ahead shall suffer changes soon. Right now, our lines of research are the following:
Analysis and Applied Mathematics: This is a line that puts together lecturers with diverse interests, but with common investigation themes. This line has 5 permanent lecturers, whose interests include: Partial Differential Equations and Control Theory; Combinatory and Graphs; Biomathematics, Games Theory; Quantitative Finance. - Algebraic Geometry: It is dedicated to the study of geometric objects given by algebraic conditions. The goal is the study and the classification of geometric objects and their deformations, using tools primarily algebraic.
- Differential Geometry: It studies the geometric invariables of Riemannian varieties relating them with global geometry and the topology of varieties. Isometric or minimal immersions are also studied.
- Topology/Dynamic Systems: The Theory of Dynamic Systems brings back Henri Poincaré’s works about differential equations from the end of the 19th century. Given that most differential equations cannot be solved through formulas, Poincaré defended a new approach: The solutions should be object of a qualitative analysis, using the geometric and probabilistic tools available, which should be complemented with a numeric study of the differential equation.
Contact information
E-mail:, Coordinator: Max Souza (
Program description
The UFF Graduate Program in Physics (PPGF-UFF) is based at the Institute of Physics (IF/UFF), in Niterói, RJ.
Our master’s program was created in 1976, initially restricted to the Physics of the Solid State and, some years later, it was extended to other theoretical and experimental areas. In 1985, the Doctorate program was launched, also restricted to the Physics of the Solid State, and in 1983 occurred the expansion of the program towards the areas of Nuclear Physics and Fields and Gravitation Theory. In the end of the 90s, other lines of research were incorporated, following the qualification and consolidations of scientific leaderships in the program.
Until the end of 2018, 254 master’s dissertations and 173 doctorate theses were defended. In 2018 alone 13 master’s dissertations and 11 doctorate theses were defended. Most of the doctors and masters who got their degrees at PPGF-UFF are lecturers or researches in educational or research institutions all over the country, including UFF itself. PPGF-UFF has excellent indicators of scientific production in the last two decades, with a continuous tendency to increase in quality.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
Surface and Fine Film Science
Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
Experimental Solids Physics and New Materials
Nanostructures Systems
Optics and Quantum Information
Nonlinear and Applied Optics
Complex Systems and Computational Physics
Strongly Correlated Systems and superconductivity
Theoretical Physics: Quantum Physics of Fields, Particles, Gravitation and Cosmology
Theoretical, Experimental and Applied Nuclear Physics (spectroscopy with accelerators, radioecology)
Teaching of Physics
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-5878 / +55 (21) 2629-5879
Physics Teaching
Program description
MNPEF has as target to train Physics and/or Science lecturers to work in Elementary Education. It is an action of the Brazilian Society of Physics (SBF) alongside with the Coordination of Personal Betterment of Higher Education (CAPES), which has offices in different Higher Education Institutions (IES) in the country. The goal is to reach improvement of professional qualification of Physics lecturers working in Elementary Education in Brazil, aiming at the development of lecturers and also of techniques and products for the teaching of Physics. UFF joined the MNPEF Program in partnership with the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro – IFRJ in 2013, building Pole 15 UFF/IFRJ.
Main lines of Research
- Physics in Elementary School
- Physics in High School
- Processes in the Teaching and Learning and Technologies of Information and Communication in the Teaching of Physics
Contact information
E-mail: / Phone: +55 (24) 3076-8931
Oceans and Earth Dynamics
Program description
The goal is to train Masters and Doctors in interactions between the systems of the oceans and the earth, in their different time and space scales, in order to understand the complicated mechanisms that involve lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere behavior, both in isolation and in group. It also specifically aims to train people to perform studies, surveys, pure and applied research, as well as to perform higher education activities in Geology and Geophysics, Marine Ecology, Hydrography and Biogeochemistry.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Geology and Geophysics
- Biogeochemistry
- Ecology
- Hydrography
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-5930
Multidisciplinary Studies
Computational Modeling in Science and Technology
Program description
This Graduate program puts together a group of activities which aims to train and improve, in a higher level, people in order to develop research and the qualification of people – lecturers, researchers and technical staff – providing deepening, complementing, and updating of knowledge in specific areas of knowledge, as well as the production of new knowledge.
Main lines of Research
- Mathematical and Computational Methods applied to engineering and science
- Computational physics: Optimization and operational research
- Understanding and developing multi/inter-disciplinary methodologies to MODEL, SOLVE, and SIMULATE phenomena, processes and systems that appear in science and technology.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (24) 2107-3763
Sciences, Technology and Inclusion
Program description
PGCTIn is composed of a group of lecturers that is multi and interdisciplinary, whose idea is to provide scientific training in research in Sciences, Technologies, and Inclusion. The development of Technologies, strategies and materials involving the technological and human sciences and teaching are the main axis of the program.
Main lines of Research
- Development and Academic Analysis of Materials and New Technologies in Technological Sciences: research, development and evaluation of approaches, methodologies and processes to minimize the problems in the understanding of complex themes in Technological Sciences which enable an inclusive perspective; New information and communication technologies with applied vision of interdisciplinarity and new practices of access to academic content; exchange between courses and approximation of objects of study in Technological Sciences.
- Issues and Processes of Creation and Evaluation of Human Sciences Products and Technologies: investigation, planning and academic evaluation of products and assistive technologies for people with disabilities, syndromes, disorders, and giftedness; including mediations to the development, inclusion, and evaluation in society; analysis and evaluation in the interdisciplinary relations between human sciences and assistive technologies.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2350
Envinromental Technology
Program description
The Graduate Program in Environmental Technology was officially created in 2012, recommended by CAPES, on 25th September 2012. On 1st January 2013, the program initiated its research activities with the enrolment of 10 students. The program exists since March 2015.
Its mission is to train researchers with an interdisciplinary profile to act in the prevention and/or solution to environmental problems that affect environmental quality, community life and sustainability of natural resources.
The faculty of the program is formed by researchers of different fields such as Exact Sciences, Earth Sciences, and Humanities, which have the challenge of interdisciplinarity to generate sustainable environmental technologies.
Main lines of Research
- Environmental Pollution
- Technologies for Reuse of Waste
- Sustainability
Contact information
Phone:+55 (24) 2107-3766
Interdisciplinary NHS Teaching
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9486
Sciences Applied to Health Products
Master and Doctorate
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9602
Sociology and Law
Program description
The Graduate Program in Sociology and Law aims to train professionals to work in academic activities and to reflect, teach, research, and, in their daily practice, to be concerned with work, citizenship, social exclusion, human rights, access to justice, and the environment.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Access to justice, work Relations, Social rights and Institutions
- Socio-environmental, rural and urban Conflicts
- Humanities, Public Policy and Social differences
- Public Security Policies and Institutional Administration of Conflicts
Contact information
Phone:+55 (21) 3674-7477
Sustainable Systems Management
Program description
The doctorate in Sustainable Management Systems focuses on the scientific development of the researcher; its base is solid scientific, technological, pedagogical, and humanistic principles, allowing the researcher to exercise their functions in a conscious, responsible, analytical and efficient way with social projection, offering investigating conditions for the development of knowledge disseminators in the technological and pedagogical fields, within the national education system.
Main lines of Research
- Sustainable Organizations Management
- Technologies applied to sustainable organizations
- Decision-Making Support in Sustainable Organizations
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-5612 / +55 (21) 2629-5615
Biological Sciences
Bioethics, Applied Ethics and Collective Health
Program description
The Graduate Program in Bioethics, Applied Ethics and Collective Health (PPGBIOS) is a broad association between Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). PPGBIOS has as general goal the development of the field, which includes the education of lecturers/researchers, scientific research, and social insertion. It should be highlighted that bioethics is an interdisciplinary field of relatively recent constitution, particularly in Brazil, and it requires consistent development so that it reaches the quality we wish for, both in education and in production of knowledge. Facing the challenge of an ethics and bioethics education of the health professional, emphasized by curricular guidelines, it is paramount the necessity of a post-graduation program that promotes quality education and which develops knowledge in the field.
Main lines of Research
Bioethics and Applied Ethics, dedicated to research aiming at the conflicts of human relations and among these, the non-human animals and the environment, it is constituted by three macro projects:
- Biotechnology, biopolitics, and bio law;
- Basic rights, social justice, and public policies; and
- Animal ethics and environmental ethics.
Bioethics and collective health, aiming at the study of themes related to human health. It is constituted by two macro projects:
- Education and health care; and
- Ethics in human research.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9377 / +55 (21) 2629-9357
Applied Microbiology and Parasitology
Program description
The Graduate Program in Applied Microbiology and Parasitology aims to train qualified professionals for research and development of human resources, with independent and critical thinking, in the fields of Microbiology and Parasitology.
The main goal of the Program is based on regional, national, and international needs, promoting current and not so current topics, in order to fill the lack of specialized professionals in different aspects of parasitic infection diseases that impact animal, environmental, and human health, highlighting bacteria resistance, pneumococcal disease, toxoplasmosis, malaria, sporotrichosis, arbovirosis, and oncogenic viruses, as well as the zoonotic potential of many microorganisms, diseases connected to microbial contamination in the environment and the development of new drugs.
The Program aims to contribute to promoting significant improvement in the life quality of the national population through research that favors prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and control of microbial and parasitic diseases with impact in animal and human public health.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Bacteriology
- Mycology
- Paleoparasitology
- Parasitology
- Virology
- Health Education
Development of projects related to pathogen/virulence and pathogenic diversity of animal and human interest, as well as epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of parasitic infectious diseases, resistance to antimicrobials, diseases connected to microbial contamination in the environment and the development of new biopharmaceutics. The recently created line of research “Health Education” aims to make a correlation between research x scientific dissemination x health promotion, by developing methodologies and educational strategies that may lead to scientific knowledge for Teaching Institutions and the general public.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2429
Biomedical Science (Physiology and Pharmacology)
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2401
Veterinary Hygiene and Technological Processing in Animal-origin Products
Master and Doctorate
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-9520 / +55 (21) 2629-9541
Marine Biology and Coastal Environments
Program description
The Graduate Program of Marine Biology and Coastal Environments (PBMAC) aims to train human resources to act in teaching, research and environmental management. Another goal is to develop high-level technical and scientific knowledge related to biodiversity, its conservation and use, as well as related environmental processes, understanding and controlling of pollution in coastal and marine environments.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Biodiversity and the Environment: Comprehends projects in taxonomy, ecology, genetics, etc.
- Conservation and Use: Protection of natural resources.
- Pollution and Environmental Processes: Studies environmental changes and anthropic influence.
Contact information
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2360
Marine Biotechnology
Program description
This Program is based at the Almirante Paulo Moreira Sea Study Institute in the city of Arraial do Cabo, RJ, and it is constituted by 2 institutions: Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) and the Almirante Paulo Moreira Sea Study Institute (IEAPM), which are widely recognized in their fields of activity. It was approved by CAPES in 2014 with grade 4 for both Master’s and Doctorate degree programs. The program provides students with adequate knowledge and important practical experience in Marine Biotechnology. The content of the program was developed by lecturers with large experience in Marine Biology and more recently in Biotechnology and Business Management, and the program was designed to meet the needs of potential employers in such industry that keeps developing.
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Marine Bio-Resources
- Marine Natural Products and their use
- Production System
Contact information
Phone: +55 (22) 2622-9020
Sciences and Biotechnology
Program description
Created in 2010, PPBI is inserted in the Interdisciplinary of CAPES, having as a goal to train researchers-teachers of high scientific quality (Master and Doctorate), who can understand molecular, cellular, and systemic levels of biological processes, with a holistic view and multidisciplinary of the many areas of Biology (ex: Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology, General Biology and Computational Biology). This professional should identify the interconnections with other areas, like teaching and sciences disclosure (ex: Productions of inclusive didactic materials and scientific disclosure).
Master and Doctorate
Main lines of Research
- Identification of new prototypes and bioactive molecules of importance in biological and biotechnological systems;
- Molecular, cellular and/or systemic analysis of biological and biotechnological processes;
- Development, Analysis, and Evaluation of New Strategies in the Teaching and Learning Process of Sciences and Biotechnology.
Contact information
E-mail: /
Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2352 / +55 (21) 2629-2375
Iniatives to International students

UFF International Labs
In order to increase the number of opportunities for non-Portuguese-speaking students at UFF, our university has introduced the UFF International Labs Project involving laboratories and research groups in various fields of study.
Such a project enables international mobility students and researchers to spend from a few months to an entire year at our institution carrying out their research activities with specialists on their fields, developing practical laboratory work or conducting academic theoretical research.
There are currently more than 80 different laboratories and research groups open to international students; a project that has already sparkled great interest among students and researchers alike.
Student at Gragoatá Campus’ main library