A little over a year ago, when the pandemic was threatening to take hold in our country, we watched in horror as the average number of deaths per day from COVID-19 in Italy, the epicenter of the disease in the world up to that time, was high. The sum totaled around...
For UFF President Antonio Claudio Lucas da Nóbrega, “this is another fruit of the Program for the Development of Applied Projects – PDPA, a partnership we built between UFF, the Government of Niterói, and the Euclides da Cunha Foundation, aiming to develop...
Since the mid-twentieth century, the term “third world” has been used to represent the group of countries considered underdeveloped, generally located in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. The expression was created by the French economist Alfred Sauvy, who,...
Although the shape of our planet – which is spherical by nature – never changes, the modes of symbolic representation of its structure can be altered over time, as in the case of maps. For each new territory identified and discovered, a ritual of cataloging and naming...
The oceans cover about two-thirds of the Earth’s surface; however, they are still little known and conserved. The protection of life in the water is the theme of the Sustainable Development Goal 14 of the United Nations (UN), which officially launched last...