Programs and Courses
Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering
Lines of Research
- Mathematical optmization
- Vehicle Routing Problem (VPR)
Foreign languages used
- English
- Spanish
Activities developed
Núcleo de Logística Integrada e Sistemas (LOGIS) conducts research in the areas of logistics, operational research, integer programming, metaheuristics, artificial intelligence, robust optimization under uncertainty, forecast models, reliability, bilevel optimization and risk optimization. It is a world reference center in the so-called column generation technique, regularly receiving collaborators from Brazil and abroad. In particular, the best performing exact algorithms known for one of the most central and important problems in the logistics area, the vehicle routing problem, were developed with the participation of LOGIS researchers. In addition to academic research, LOGIS also carries out projects for industry.
Study background required
- Production Engineering, Computer Science, Transportation Engineering, Applied Mathematics
- Knowledge of Computer Programming (any language)