Research Group on the Economics of Education and Economics of the Welfare State

Programs and Courses

Graduate Program in Economics


Lines of Research

  • Education economics
  • Educational reforms
  • Educational finance
  • Attractiveness in teaching
  • Return to education
  • Access to higher education.


Foreign languages used

  • English
  • French
  • Spanish


Activities developed

The research group has been devoted to discussing contemporary issues related to education policy from the point of view of Economics. More recently the scope of the group has been enlarged to include discussions on the Economics of the Welfare State, now encompassing not only education, but also social assistance, social insurance, health care, taxation, labour market regulation, and related issues. Both theoretical and empirical topics are approached. Brazil in particular, and Latin America more generally, usually are the focuses of analyses. But comparative studies with countries outside Latin America are welcome too. Each semester, one or two topics are chosen to be discussed in detail by the coordinating professors and PhD students under their supervision. Those activities are complemented by regular courses in which students are encouraged to enroll, as well as by ad hoc discussions of topics of research interest chosen by the participants.


Study background required

Any area of knowledge.


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